Monday, August 21, 2006

Forget Autumn in New York

The nights seem a little cooler. The sky a bit cloudier. The breeze a little, uh, breezier. U-Haul trucks prowl up and down the tree-lined avenues of downtown Ann Arbor. Furniture sits on well trammeled lawns awaiting the ascent up rickety wooden stairwells. Moms and their student progeny fill the checkout lanes of Meijer with carts full of such household necessities as mops and Hot Pockets. It all points to one thing.

College football season is almost upon us.

I'm far from the world's most rabid sports fan, but there is a lot to love about Ann Arbor in the fall. Nearly 180 years of football tradition becomes as palpable as the ubiquitous aroma of foamy beer poured from a lawn keg or sizzling brats pulled from a porch grill. And then there's the vivid fall colors of Tree Town and the pretty cheerleaders in short skirts and did I mention the beer and brats and stuff. What's not to like?

Being here has me already fired up and ready for a (I fervently hope) much better season for our dear Wolverines. But if you live in suburbia, you might not be feeling it just yet. So I'd like to help out, courtesy of some numbnuts from Columbus who made a stupid rap video extolling the glory of Ohio State, which team has a remarkable preseason ranking of #1.

Well, we'll see about that. At least Michigan does not have anything as embarrassingly retarded as DJ Snooz and MC Snorz, so we're already winners in my playbook. Were they serious? You tell me, if you can manage to watch the whole thing. (Yes, consider that a dare.)

(HT Mgoblog.)