Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Resolved: That I'm Going to Read More

Per my "I'm going to do more reading this year" resolution, I've put together a preliminary list of books I want to tackle (not necessarily in this order) based on a perusal of stuff I've accumulated on my shelves. Actually, I don't own the last title by Walker Percy, but I'm hoping I can get it at the library. Also, if I should stumble across a copy of New Orleans, Mon Amour by Andrei Codrescu, that will probably get bumped toward the top. So, here they are:

Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri

The Lone Surfer of Montana, Kansas by Davy Rothbart

No Place, Louisiana by Martin Pousson

The Man Who Watched Trains Go By by Georges Simenon

The Trial of True Love by William Nicholson

Running the Bulls by Cathie Pelletier

City of Mazes and Other Tales of Obsession by Cynthia Hendershot

Gatsby's Girl by Caroline Preston

Miss Misery by Andy Greenwald

Serpent Girl by Matthew Carnahan

Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathanael West

Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Book by Walker Percy

I'm not much of a reviewer but I'll try to post my impressions of what I read.